Certified Hypnotherapist & Spiritual Counselor
FREE Phone Consultation
Hypnotic trance is a completely normal state, one which you experience every day, perhaps while watching TV, or driving a familiar route. It is a narrowing of attention so that distractions are shut out and a focused awareness is achieved. It is not a mysterious state at all, but a state that every human being with very few exceptions can easily reach.
The conscious mind, which is the rational and analytical mind, is suspended for a time, while the unconscious mind, which holds all our emotions, our memories and our creativity, is more fully accessed to provide resources not usually available.
Emotional blocks that you may not even be aware of are released. The trance state is similar to meditation. In this state the innate powers of the human mind, which are usually untapped, flow freely and enhance every area of life. A typical session is about an hour. In the initial session, I discuss your reasons for pursuing therapy and what you want to achieve. I explain hypnosis to you and answer all your questions. When you feel comfortable, we begin our work in trance in order to accomplish your desired results and to lay a foundation for deep structural growth.
People describe trance differently, but generally everyone agrees that it is a relaxing and pleasant experience. Many people are surprised that they continue to experience thoughts, hear sounds and even speak.
Because you are aware of what is going on, you will not do or say anything that is not in harmony with your deepest nature. The unconscious mind is your truest friend and constant protector.
Hypnosis can help in a wide range of areas, including:
Habit Control
Pain Control
Smoking Cessation
Self Hypnosis
Overcoming Phobias
Emotional Issues
Past Trauma
Memory Retrieval
Confidence Learning
Focus & Concentration
Sports Enhancement
Test Taking
Finding Lost Objects
Past Life Regression
“Through Carolyn’s miraculous loving and extraordinary guidance,
I am feeling more alive
and completely capable
of traversing this
amazing life of mine.”
A typical session is about an hour. In the initial session, I discuss your reasons for pursuing therapy and what you want to achieve. I explain hypnosis to you and answer all your questions. When you feel comfortable, we begin our work in trance in order to accomplish your desired results and to lay a foundation for deep structural growth.
To contact me, press here.